A Little About Me

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Oh gosh I am 20 years old and I think I am massively confusing and constantly discovering who I am, but I love it :)

Thursday 29 September 2011

So over you ..

Well its been a while since I posted on here, and since then I've moved back home, ended a relationship and started back at university, oh and got my old job back =D .. I wanted to post something I wrote at the end of a chapter in my life that I now call "the worst mistake of my life" ! ... So here goes .

Because I regret what I did with you and because I regret ever being with you!
My life has changed for the better, you where my biggest mistake in life.
You made me realise I have to higher my standards and to not trust anyone unless the prove themselves to me.To never rush something because it felt right, to look for the signs in between the lines, to make sure the next person who comes along is the total opposite to you!
With you I thought I had it all and I was complete, how could I have ever have told myself that and fall for all your lies and decete?
Urgh .. dont get me wrong I have learnt from my mistakes and you gave me an experience I will never forget, I now look at you and what we had and think to myself how I have come out so much better, learnt not to ever get myself in that mess and be so stupid, no thats not a negative gain from the whole chapter of my life with you its a positive because.... now IM FREE and now IM ME !

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