A Little About Me

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Oh gosh I am 20 years old and I think I am massively confusing and constantly discovering who I am, but I love it :)

Saturday 19 March 2011


When imagination is triggered is it because the life you have and the people around you aren’t enough? Do you need some fulfilment in life that you are not getting? Are dreams the same? They are supposed to be formed from things that you have done in the day, but somehow I believe that they are formed out of confusion and imagination of things you need, feel, miss or want. They can never be interpreted or related to straight away. You always need to dig deeper. Striving for things in life like success is something that is supposed to get you wherever you want to be, but I feel this strive for success gets your somewhere partially, as I believe you are never supposed to be in the same place for so long. I wish I could pick my belongings up and move away, just live in an imaginary world where success isn’t needed to become someone, where you already are somebody and have everything you want and need at that moment in time. All the emotions that are expressed in everyday life are just a taster of the real emotions and feelings you can get in your own imagination. Why settle for second best when you can give yourself a hell of a lot more?

1 comment:

  1. Your words already say that you are someone!!!! I truly hear you :D
