A Little About Me

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Oh gosh I am 20 years old and I think I am massively confusing and constantly discovering who I am, but I love it :)

Saturday 19 March 2011


When it comes to feelings and thoughts and emotions, how are you supposed to express them? Well if you think you are angry apparently you are supposed to have emotions that are angry and these you portray, and people can see that you are feeling that way. Well why is it that I have become so good at hiding feelings thoughts and emotions? I don’t see the need to express these anymore as I can feel them for myself and nobody can tell me that I am wrong, behaving silly or being a complete idiot. I can therefore judge myself and the whole situation, nobody else. I believe when you shut off yourself from everybody else that you become a stronger person, whereas other people see this as becoming a weaker person. My experiences have taught me to behave in a closed manor, as the more I open up the worse I seem to get, the more people can judge me and the more they can interfere when they know my business.


  1. I know exactly what you mean by this..so pleased I came across your great posts...Eliza Keating
