A Little About Me

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Oh gosh I am 20 years old and I think I am massively confusing and constantly discovering who I am, but I love it :)

Saturday 19 March 2011

thinking again ?!

When there are questions that need to be answered or that you want to be answered, are you supposed to ask them? I think not because anybody can answer your questions, they can tell you the truth, tell you a lie, and tell you something that is totally irrelevant to what you want to know the answer too. So why ask questions and why create them when you are never guaranteed to get the answers you need. Is this why trial and error was created as we need to test something, get it wrong and then learn from these errors? Or do we ever find the right answers? And do we just convince ourselves at that moment in time that they are right? So after this, will I still be asking what if? Will I know where to turn too? Will I find my answers to my unanswered questions? Will the person I want to be there for me ever be there? Will I always shut off and just speak to myself and become so stubbornly independent? Too many what if’s, too many why’s, too many who’s, too many when’s…..

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